Monday 1 February 2016

Post Colonialism - Edward Said ORIENTALISM

Summarise the three theorists we have looked at: Alvarado, Fanon and Said.

Fanon said that ethnic minorities contained elements listed below within media represented the media in the UK

Fanon also said that black people are seen as acting white in which he stated 'putting on the white mask'


Primitivize -
Essentialize -
Decivilized -
Institutionalized  -

Edward Said - Orientalism
This theorist said that the western stereotyped the east as inferior and the west is seen as superior

2) The Yasmin clip showed or portrayed British muslims to be less superior to the white British characters in the clip. This is because the white characters were seen as more confident than the British muslim character Yasmin. However one positive stereotype of British muslims is that they are seen as religious which portrays a good stereotype. One more negative stereotype is that the muslim main character had to change into western clothing to hang out with the white main characters which again shows the British muslims to be less powerful

3)   Alvarado

Dangerous -

Humorous -

Exotic -

Decivilized -  

Primitivize -

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