Thursday 4 February 2016

New/Digital stories

1) Twitter US users fall by a third in two years
A 3D-printed Twitter logo

- Twitters american userbase has fall by a third according to figures from third-party analytics from 7park data
- figures contradict Twitters own numbers, which report a 25% growth over the same period
- 7park says that Twitters second social network Vine has suffered falls as well
- Vine declining to less than three fifths of its April 2014 install base
-  In that month, Twitter was installed on 36.1% of US mobile devices according to 7 Park while Vine was installed
The situation is just as bad when worldwide users are taken into account, with Twitter’s penetration falling from 30% to just over 22%.

In my opinion I believe that the decrease in Twitter's users is expected as other social networks such as Instagram have gained much more popularity as Instagram is much more exciting and interesting to users of social media. Also I feel that Twitter were not able to maximise on their users when they were at an all time high.

2)  Daily Mail website's ad revenues surge as paper announces price hike
Mail Online’s ad revenues increased by 27% in the fourth quarter

- Owner of Daily Mail has said growth has said that MailOnline has  boosted its ad revenue 
Daily Mail & General Trust reported on Thursday that Mail Online, which missed its £80m annual revenue target last year, had a growth rate of 16% in the year to the end of September.
Mail Online’s 27% boost in the final quarter is a promising sign, particularly given at one point last year its growth rate fell to single digits as the entire digital newspaper ad market faltered.
The website saw digital ad revenues grow by 17% in the UK and 66% in the US in the three months to the end of December

In my opinion MailOnline has a much more than a UK audience and has a massive viewing from the USA in which is a massive population. This enabled the MailOnline to grow website traffic resulting in much more revenue or money made from the Mail. Also the decline in newspapers is not being matched with MailOnline revenue so the growth helps to reduce losses they are already facing.

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