Thursday 4 February 2016

Feminism and New/Digital Media

Ched Evans - Petition to prevent convicted rapist playing

Article link -

1) Summarise this example for the rest of the class in one paragraph

In this article, Jean Hatched who is the person behind a petition of getting Ched Evans a convicted rapist to be stopped from returning to professional football. The petition from Jean Hatched have received more than 160,000 signatures. Also another petition was created by Jean Hatchet from stopping Ched Evans to be signed by Oldham Athletic and received 21000 sugnatures. 

2) What was the initial incident or situation that sparked this example?

The initial incident was that Ched Evans was a convicted rapist in which as Jean Hatched took to online to make sure and ruin the chances for a convicted rapist to play for professional football again
3) In your opinion, is this an example of a valid campaign or something of a witchhunt against people who are not doing any serious harm?

In my opinion I believe this example is of a valid campaign in which Jean Hatched is making an impact as big news organisations such as The Telegraph are reporting this. However a big enough impact has not been created as the football representatives for Oldham Athletic have not reporting anything in favour of Jean Hatchet.

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