Tuesday 1 March 2016

January Assessment

1) Type up your feedback in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to).

- I would need to reference authors more in my essay
- Also more articles should be listed to relate articles with democracy and social media
- More quotes were needed to support my views on democracy and new/digital media.
- More on the news and the institution
- More on citizen journalism - e.g Eric Garner
- I need to cover institution more
-  Present both sides of the democracy -
                                                                  E.g 1/3 of world population do not have internet access which means , people do not have much access.

EBI - Lacks specific reference of the news case study
            More needed on Murdoch/ News corporate + gatekeeper/ N

2) Read through the mark scheme. Of the six different statements, write which you think is currently your strongest and which is weakest. ExplainWHY and, for the weakest, what you are going to do to improve in that area

-  A sophisticated and comprehensive essay, showing very good critical autonomy. Sophisticated and detailed understanding of new and digital media. A sharp focus on the question throughout. Sophisticated application of a wide range of media issues/debates/theories and wider contexts. A comprehensive individual case study, with a wide range of detailed examples. Well structured, articulate and engaged

I believe the strongest point is that I have applied sophisticated application of a wide range of media and my weakest area is that I havent showed a sophisticated and comprehensive essay, showing very good critical autonomy. Sophisticated and detailed understanding of new and digital media

3) Read through the exemplar A grade essay. What does this essay offer that yours does not? Identify THREE things you can take from this essay to improve your own responses in future.

- Offers fluent writing which I will need to achieve a higher grader
- offers much more theorists included
- offers more points and the detail of the points which I would again need in my future essay

4) Paragraph 

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