Friday 15 January 2016

New/digital stories

Yahoo is to 'cut off 10 per cent of staff'
Law Society head attacks Yahoo over working from home

- Yahoo is facing shareholder pressure to pursue other alternatives besides spin off its internet operations will see a lay of its staff
- The company is getting rid of 10 percent of their staff due to its cost cutting in order to get out of financial down turn
- This percentage would reduce the number of staff by 1000 and could start from this month
- These cuts will affect all parts of the company such as their technology group, media businesses and their European operations could be hit more

The Sun's Jeremy Corbyn apology provokes further outrage with 'tiny' front page mention


The Sun had been ordered to print its apology to Jeremy Corbyn on its front page but some readers were struggling to find it when it was published. The Independent Press Standards Organisation (Ipso) found the newspaper had been “significantly misleading” in a September story that wrongly alleged the Labour leader joined the Privy Council to gain millions of pounds for his party. After months of wrangling over an accuracy complaint, The Sun agreed to put a correction on its cover, but buried it with four lines at the bottom left corner of the page.

  • The headline, directing readers to page two, read “Ipso complaint on Labour short money upheld”, making no reference to Mr Corbyn or the fact it was the subject of the complaint.
  • The Sun said that the article “could have been clearer, but was based on accurate information”

The sun was misleading before and yet still failed to openly rectify their mistake, instead they just put it in small font as an unimportant message which i believe was wrong. 

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