Monday 4 January 2016

New/digital media

Anti-Isis hackers claim responsibility for BBC cyber-attack

- Activists who say their aim is to tackle online propoganda by Islamic state have claimed responsibility for BBC cyber attack on the BBC website
- BBC correspondent had received a tweet from group New World Hacking (NWH) claiming responsibility for DDOS attack.
- This attack took down BBC services such as BBC iplayer for a few hours
- NWH claimed it attacked BBC website to test power of their servers

I think that cyber hackers who's aim is to fight for justice do have intentions to target these organisation to see if they are able to do so. Also I don't see why they feel that was okay to do and come clean through Twitter. Online hacks do cost organisation money in which is not good for organisations such as the BBC who are funded by the public.

Has social media ruined the web?

- Has the web lost its power to derive social change? 
- Acoording to an Iranian blogger , he has said the web has lost its power to derive social change
- The iranian blogger was imprisoned by regime in 2008 and released and pardoned in 2014.
- During his time in prison, the rise of smart phones and apps had changed the online world
- Blogging and independent websites have been overtaken by social media websites
- Social media websites such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter who are dominating the market

I feel like social media websites have definitely taken over blogs and independent wesbites in the short space of time they have been around. Also the audience has moved on from blogs and independent websites so there is a part to play by them in which social media is much more user friendly with the functionalities that enable users to interact with each other.

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